
Sunday, June 5, 2011

The Last Supper

Well team, as Michael Jackson's stage crew would say.."This is it!" Tonight was my last night in America, and ironically, we went out for Chinese food. I guess I should have figured as much since our family consumes a steady diet of Chinese buffets, but I didn't mind.
As I sat at dinner, I thought about why I wanted to go on this trip and what it meant to me. I've been getting some guff from some people in my home town to the tune of "whyyy, would you ever want to go to Indonesia??" Honestly readers, I'm not sure if there's anything of interest there. But I'm dying to find out. I'm so terribly curious about the world around me.
But this experience is more than just a chance to see a small slice of the world. Its really a step (or leap, rather) towards greater independence. I've always had a security blanket around me; my parents, close friends and family, or at least a familiar environment. Even going to college didn't seem like a huge ordeal because my older sister lived two blocks away. But now, leaving here, I feel like I'll be completely on my own, which scares the living bejesus out of me! (...even though my parents will take me to the airport and hold my hand until I get my boarding pass.) I love my family, and have been somewhat of a homebody for 20 years. But it's really important to me that I become independent, confident, and self-sufficient. This whole process is a little scary and nerve-wracking and exhilarating all at the same time.
But I'm already loving it. :)

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